The poetry of Beto Ochoa, Prose from a spiritual warrior


The Poetry Of Beto Ochoa~ Prose from a spiritual warrior

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Autumn Wind

The Autumn Wind came by today
And begged the leaves come down and play
We have to ask our Mother Oak
They answered in reply

The Mother Oak loved all her leaves
And if they played
Then she’d be pleased
She let them down into the wind to fly

Then in the happy wind they gyred
In colors matching earth and fire
As sunshine split the sky and danced
Among the mirth and fun

All day they twirled, ‘till evens bell
The wind grew quiet as shadows fell
And leaf and sun then rested
Exhausted from their run

So Mother Oak bid all sweet dreams
As Mister Moon smiled down his beams
And Night did bed them all away
To dance again another day

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


A day with skies of Robin's Egg
And higher up the Cobalt burned
Standing in the windowed sky
She watched the fatal, final turn

The light reflecting from the wings
Shielding glass that held their faces
Eyes were met as death approached
Frozen, in fate's final places

Quickly Prayers escaped the lips
And in the hearts of these so bound
God's Will the moment soon divided
With Spirits leaving mortal ground

They watch us now, the dear departed
And those who Satan's will employed
Released the Genie of despoilment
The aim, all freedom be destroyed

We will endure this newer fight
And in the end of all man's time
Escape the grasp of evil tyrants
Our resting place the true sublime

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My families came to Texas when It still belonged to Spain.



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