The poetry of Beto Ochoa, Prose from a spiritual warrior


The Poetry Of Beto Ochoa~ Prose from a spiritual warrior

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Antietam Creek

Antietam Creek

How is it now that we are borne
Upon this wave of sacrifice
Whose lives were bound for greater things
Yet now, we pay the price
And whose firm shoulders turned to bear
The blows for those behind
Into our foe we press ourselves
As fates grim judgment pares the rind
Oh how we think our selves above
Things more eternal than we stand
And bear upon our enemy
With death or life in glov'd hand.
Stand not as what great wind may blow
Fore swear, we say we will advance
Like waves of grain encumbering
The field for sure will be entranced
Against that wind we throw ourselves
For those we have behind
And fates grim judgment pares the rind
Pray Justice, pares the rind

"O beautiful for glory-tale
of liberating strife
when once and twice
for mans avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

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My families came to Texas when It still belonged to Spain.



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