The poetry of Beto Ochoa, Prose from a spiritual warrior


The Poetry Of Beto Ochoa~ Prose from a spiritual warrior

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Second Birth

I stood on the tips of a silent cloud
The world spun beneath my feet
Dark fled the wisps of the morning sun
The cloud was a Coral Sheet
In great undulations the colors they turned
And struck me to floating away
With God In A River That Bears The Will
My lips struck with nothing to say
But there in the River The Word Reverbed
And I knew the Grace Of Its Sound
A Filling Vibration That Shook All Things
From Alpha's Omega Rebound
So there in my eyes was the answer to all
I set myself back on the Earth
To walk with the knowledge that God Simply Is
And witness of Second Birth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from Friedrich Rückert

I feel the summer's glow, the winter's searching blast, And shudder as I think how quickly my day is past. Yet of immortal stock, faith witnesses, I came. And what consumes me is no self-consuming flame. A lower impulse stirs within me, and a higher; This must I make my law, resisting base desire. My joy will I unfold to purest bloom and glow, And to a Holy Bliss transfigure all my woe. God holds me in his hand, in Him I rest and wait; Before Him I am small, but in Him I am great.

Daß du mich liebst, macht mich mir wert, Dein Blick hat mich vor mir verklärt, Du hebst mich liebend über mich, Mein guter Geist, mein beßres Ich!

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My families came to Texas when It still belonged to Spain.



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